Sell My House
Complimentary home evaluation & broker price opinion
Kenneth Rose will visit your home and conduct a thorough visual inspection. You will be provided with the most current sales activities and competition in your neighborhood. Kenneth Rose will personally review all data and results from the visual inspection and render an itemized list of recommended adjustments, modifications and or improvements necessary to obtain fair market value in a timely fashion. Based on the scope of work agreed, a project proposal and timeline will be submitted at no charge. Homes that are intended to be “Fixer Upper’s” can simply be sold “As-Is” @copyright 2016
Pricing Your Home
In some cases, establishing the exact fair market value for a property can be challenging. For example, your property is in a neighborhood where there have been limited sales in the past six months; or you have a custom home or a home that has been improved far beyond that of the average home in the subdivision. It can be beneficial to all parties at times to get an appraisal from a licensed home appraiser before putting the property on the market. The number of days on the market are a huge factor in the minds of savvy home buyers and their experienced realtors. Most home purchases involve financing and in order for a buyer to obtain underwriter approval, the appraised value must not be less than the contract/purchase price. If your home can’t appraise, you’ve now lost 80 to 90% of the potential buyers for your property. The days on the market and history of the listing stay on record forever even if you take your house off the market for 90 days to reset the days on the market.
Price right or be prepared to SIT TIGHT. The real estate market peaks every 10 years or more.
copyright @ 2016
Listing Paperwork
Disclose, disclose, disclose. Kenneth Rose with help from staff will deliver a pre-listing package including the required documents and disclosures. Sellers must report all known material defects and knowledge or reports pertaining to the presence of lead-based paint (typically present in homes built before the year of 1978). Sellers are also now required to provide buyers radon test results prior to a purchase contract becoming firm. This new law, which took effect in 2024, gives buyers a 5-day right to cancel or negotiate remediation.
Buyer’s beware, but seller’s must sell fair.
Call Kenneth Rose now at 301-983-3500